ERROR 2: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 688 of file authentication.php in function getBlocks
1 called from line 143 of file rss.php

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/PGV/includes/authentication.php on line 688

ERROR 2: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 688 of file authentication.php in function getBlocks
1 called from line 143 of file rss.php

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/PGV/includes/authentication.php on line 688

ERROR 2: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 688 of file authentication.php in function getBlocks
1 called from line 143 of file rss.php

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/PGV/includes/authentication.php on line 688

ERROR 2: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 688 of file authentication.php in function getBlocks
1 called from line 143 of file rss.php

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/PGV/includes/authentication.php on line 688

ERROR 2: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 688 of file authentication.php in function getBlocks
1 called from line 143 of file rss.php

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/PGV/includes/authentication.php on line 688

ERROR 2: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 688 of file authentication.php in function getBlocks
1 called from line 143 of file rss.php

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/PGV/includes/authentication.php on line 688

ERROR 2: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 688 of file authentication.php in function getBlocks
1 called from line 143 of file rss.php

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/PGV/includes/authentication.php on line 688

ERROR 2: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 688 of file authentication.php in function getBlocks
1 called from line 143 of file rss.php

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/PGV/includes/authentication.php on line 688

ERROR 2: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 688 of file authentication.php in function getBlocks
1 called from line 143 of file rss.php

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/PGV/includes/authentication.php on line 688

ERROR 2: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 688 of file authentication.php in function getBlocks
1 called from line 143 of file rss.php

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/PGV/includes/authentication.php on line 688

ERROR 2: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 688 of file authentication.php in function getBlocks
1 called from line 143 of file rss.php

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/PGV/includes/authentication.php on line 688

ERROR 2: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 688 of file authentication.php in function getBlocks
1 called from line 143 of file rss.php

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/PGV/includes/authentication.php on line 688

ERROR 2: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 688 of file authentication.php in function getBlocks
1 called from line 143 of file rss.php

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/PGV/includes/authentication.php on line 688

ERROR 2: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 688 of file authentication.php in function getBlocks
1 called from line 143 of file rss.php

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/PGV/includes/authentication.php on line 688

ERROR 2: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/www/PGV/includes/functions/functions.php:517)

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/www/PGV/includes/functions/functions.php:517) in /data/www/PGV/includes/classes/class_feedcreator.php on line 284
鄧氏-邓氏族誌--2013.10 由譜易轉入測試 News and links from the #GLOBALS[GEDCOM_TITLE]# site 2024-04-29T11:32:04+00:00 (c) 2024 FeedCreator 1.8.0-dev ( GEDCOM Statistics - 鄧氏-邓氏族誌--2013.10 由譜易轉入測試 2024-04-29T18:32:04+00:00 2024-04-29T18:32:04+00:00 2013
180 - Individuals
110 - Families
0 - Sources
3 - Other records
Earliest birth year -
Latest birth year -
Person who lived the longest - 0
Average age at death - 0
Family with the most children13 - This information is private and cannot be shown.
Average number of children per family - 0.99
Most Common Surnames
180 - Individuals
110 - Families
0 - Sources
3 - Other records
Earliest birth year -
Latest birth year -
Person who lived the longest - 0
Average age at death - 0
Family with the most children13 - This information is private and cannot be shown.
Average number of children per family - 0.99
Most Common Surnames
世界邓姓宗亲总会创会会长邓定远儿女回乡省亲 2019-01-07T16:23:34+00:00 2019-01-07T16:23:34+00:00 邓定远出身于贫寒家庭。少时进入基督教圣公会办的武昌三一堂中学,后入武昌文华大学。1926年2月考入中央军校,不久加入国民党。北伐中曾参与攻打长沙、汀泗桥、武昌城。1927年8月毕业,分配到国民党湖北省防军独立一团,两年后调任陆军第三师第八旅少校营长,曾积极从事全省的“剿匪清乡”活动。1933年夏赴南京,供职军委会编练处,第三年转任中央军校洛阳分校中校队长,未满一年,考入陆军大学,毕业后调陕西刘安祺部任参谋处上校主任。1940年晋任陕西长安陆军新三十七师少将参谋长,后调任陆军总司令何应饮随从少将参谋。抗战胜利后,分赴各地检查日军投降情况。武汉行辕成立,受任参谋处长。1947年底改任湖北保安旅旅长,次年当选为国民大会鄂城县代表,后任第五编练(湘鄂边区)第一OO军副军长兼四十四师师长。
1949年,邓定远到台湾,先后结业于国民党国防大学、国防研究院。初任保安干部总队长,1955年转任国防大学及军团政治部主任,三年后任金门防卫怀念部副司令官兼政治部主任、政务必委员会秘书长。 1959年升陆军中将,旋调陆军总司令部任政治部主任。 1962年,国民党政府图谋反攻大陆,成立“战地政务局”,邓定远任该局局长。 次年10月,国民党政府应南越之请,成立“援越军事顾问团”,邓定远被委为首任援越顾问团团长。 1966年,邓定远回台,出任“国防陪联合作战委员会”副主任委员执行官。三年后退役,转任“国民党国民代表大会”党部书记长。同年,台北成立世界邓姓宗亲总会,被推为该会理事长。晚年被委为“国民大会宪政研讨委员会”常务委员。
邓定远育有6子1女,均受高等教育,获得博士或硕士学位。2011年10月22日,邓定远将军后裔──邓祖祺、邓祖琳一行15人,在父亲邓定远将军阔别祖国大陆62年之后,带着父亲的夙愿,终于踏上了家乡的土地──太和镇谢培村青峰山湾。此次回乡省亲谒祖的有:长子邓祖祺,次子邓祖瑞,三子邓祖琳,四子邓祖庆,女儿邓祖佩,五子邓祖宪,六子邓祖瑜,还有邓氏兄弟的亲属朋友,都是第一次回到祖籍地。据悉,邓定远将军后裔目前有50余人,分布在美国、台湾等国家和地区。(信息来源:邓世鸿 2019.1.5 微信)]]>
1949年,邓定远到台湾,先后结业于国民党国防大学、国防研究院。初任保安干部总队长,1955年转任国防大学及军团政治部主任,三年后任金门防卫怀念部副司令官兼政治部主任、政务必委员会秘书长。 1959年升陆军中将,旋调陆军总司令部任政治部主任。 1962年,国民党政府图谋反攻大陆,成立“战地政务局”,邓定远任该局局长。 次年10月,国民党政府应南越之请,成立“援越军事顾问团”,邓定远被委为首任援越顾问团团长。 1966年,邓定远回台,出任“国防陪联合作战委员会”副主任委员执行官。三年后退役,转任“国民党国民代表大会”党部书记长。同年,台北成立世界邓姓宗亲总会,被推为该会理事长。晚年被委为“国民大会宪政研讨委员会”常务委员。
邓定远育有6子1女,均受高等教育,获得博士或硕士学位。2011年10月22日,邓定远将军后裔──邓祖祺、邓祖琳一行15人,在父亲邓定远将军阔别祖国大陆62年之后,带着父亲的夙愿,终于踏上了家乡的土地──太和镇谢培村青峰山湾。此次回乡省亲谒祖的有:长子邓祖祺,次子邓祖瑞,三子邓祖琳,四子邓祖庆,女儿邓祖佩,五子邓祖宪,六子邓祖瑜,还有邓氏兄弟的亲属朋友,都是第一次回到祖籍地。据悉,邓定远将军后裔目前有50余人,分布在美国、台湾等国家和地区。(信息来源:邓世鸿 2019.1.5 微信)]]>
Welcome to Your Genealogy 2013-10-12T21:05:25+00:00 2013-10-12T21:05:25+00:00 PhpGedView. This page provides an introduction and overview to this genealogy.

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PhpGedView. This page provides an introduction and overview to this genealogy.

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